6 tips for better consulting…

Some birthday advice


PACH is 12 years old this month, so thank you to all the well wishers.

We started this business with the promise of providing something different in the consulting world. After 57,521 (approx) consulting hours, and working for some amazing companies and brands, Coca-Cola European Partners, Heineken, JTI, Bacardi, Pladis, Miller Genuine Draft, to name a few, we’re glad to say it’s worked quite well, and we’ve learnt a heck of a lot along the way.

On our 12th Birthday we wanted to share some of our learning, so here are our top 6 tips to other companies looking to start, or alter, their own successful journey in the consulting world.


1) Get your hands dirty

When engaging a client in a new project get involved in understanding the business at the sharp-end, the operational side of the business. It will not only show the client you really care, but it will help you unearth the real issues and opportunities much quicker than analysing a bunch of numbers.

At PACH we all started in the corporate world as sales reps and believe that corporate strategy and success is built on a healthy and dynamic sales force. So as a starting point in any client engagement you will always find us out in the field understanding what it takes to be a sales person, and run a sales operation. In turn our clients seem to really value this emphasis on frontline sales as a way to get brands to market.

2) Find that secret ingredient that sets you apart

Find your ‘success models’, those unique tools or capabilities that make you different and deliver tangible benefits for clients. If something works, do it again, and again and again…

We acknowledged early on as a small business that we couldn't compete with the extensive report that takes a big team of consultant’s months to produce, backed up by enormous amounts of data analysis. Instead we replaced it with a concise commercial diagnostic that draws on feedback from people internally, overlaid with our ‘been-there-done-it’ experience, and deliver it in a week. In 11 years, we have delivered 55 diagnostics, and judging by the reaction from our clients we can conclude it's been a resounding success. In fact, all but three have resulted in a set of recommendations which the client has asked us to help deliver.

3) Put a value on every £, €, $ the client pays you

Clients pay good money for consulting services, and should never have to doubt if they are getting value for money. A crucial part of this is being able to work quickly and efficiently, whether diagnosing the root causes of problems, building solutions or implementing change.

Our working practices are underpinned by this principle in a number of ways:

  • Our Commercial Diagnostic only takes 1 week to complete, rather than many weeks and months

  • We don’t believe in bringing in an army of people to help clients, rather use a small expert team to work alongside the client, and empower the change

  • Implementation starts from day one, so clients feel tangible progress from the outset.

  • If business needs require change mid-project we will adjust quickly, without losing sight of the end goal.

4) Empower middle management for long lasting change

If you want to implement effective change that stands the test of time, involve the leaders of the future in the process, the middle managers. They usually feel the need for change, but more often than not don't have the opportunity to effect it.

People are motivated if they own the solution. Clients usually have a wealth of talent across all levels of the organization, but often don’t capitalize on these fully. We have found that by involving them early in the process, it makes a huge difference in the speed and commitment to adopt new ideas and practices.

5) Don't be afraid to tell it as it is

Tell your clients what they need to hear, not what they want to hear. It might not make you everyone’s best friend all the time, but if it's the right thing to do then it should be said. The results usually speak for themselves.

From the outset we decided we needed some clear points of difference between us and the big boys in the way we deliver our work. One of these was to build our expertise based on experienced professionals that have seen it before, and know how to cut through the bullshit. These are people who have taken important business decisions client-side, and know their impact at the frontline, so have the know-how and confidence to act with conviction.

6) Have fun doing what you do

We would encourage anybody that has lost the fun element, or just needs a refresh, to do some serious thinking about whether they, as an individual or business, are in the right place, or getting the best out of their team.

As a client recently commented, “you work with fire in your belly, and smiles on your faces.” That's in no small measure down to the fact that we love what we do and have a great deal of fun doing it. We have been told we lead by example with purpose and optimism, solving business problems in a pragmatic and engaging way. Part of that fun involves us acknowledging the hard work of the project team, by hosting a party for the client to celebrate the successful conclusion.

By Chris Bennfors Founding Partner at PACH Solutions Ltd